Vintage Vegas: Moustache Cup from Caesars Palace
Nowadays a ‘Moustache Cup’ would have a curly handlebar printed on the edge so drinkers look like they’ve got a dastardly ‘stache
But this is not your hipster’s coffee cup …
See the bit of moustache wax under “Las“? That’s the real deal, folks.
Moustache Cups had a protective strainer built-in so your ‘stache wouldn’t get soaked
We spotted this one in a Petaluma antique shop. Many (including the shop owner) confuse them with the Barber Cup variety which also had strainers; but were for edging off excess foam from the shaving brush, not for drinking. Supposedly, John Lennon drank from a Moustache Cup while recording Sgt. Pepper’s.
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Petaluma Whiskerino: ‘Beardo Optico’ Video
Beerds: 14 Hairy Beer Labels
Gallery: Petaluma Whiskerino 2010 Pics
Ongoing: A Collection of Facial Hair Collections
Inception Redüx: With Moustaches and German Accents
Music: The Hip-Hop Sgt. Pepper’s
CamStache: The First Facial Recognition Follicle Combobulator
Skatebeard: Awesomely Bearded Deck by Mr Bingo
Cool: Fraternal Fist Bump, Circa 1890s