Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Gallery: The Great Handcar Regatta 2009

Iceblock Racers

These ice-block racers had the right idea. Handcar Regatta 2009 was hotter than ever. Plus, it tripled the attendees and racers from its inaugural year. If you missed it, be sure to trek on up to Railroad Square in Santa Rosa next year.

Man stepping out from Absolution booth

Muir Houghton‘s Absolution Booth.

Rail-Independent Racer

Tom Waits strollin' through Handcar Regatta

Tom Waits cruisin’ through the Handcar Regatta.

See the rest »

Whiskerino: Postcard Peeps at the Great Handcar Regatta 2009

Steampunk on Stilts

Steampunk on stilts. Hopefully he’ll come to Whiskerino in costume.

Here’s a few more we caught flashin’ their cards at this year’s Handcar Regatta:


Brookelynn Morris, author of Feltique (yes, she wrote the book on felting), pictured with friend.

August at the Make Zine Booth with Felt Moustache

August at the Make Zine booth with a freshly felted ‘stache, courtesy of Melissa and Brookelynn’s handiwork.

Sid Phillips from March Fourth Marching Band

Sid Phillips from Portland’s March Fourth Marching Band.

Nicole from Vinyl Frontier

Nicole from Vinyl Frontier. Makers of recycled record cover notebooks, melted record bowls, record clocks and more. Very cool stuff. See the rest »

Video: Steampunk Special on G4

Nicely done piece on Steampunk by G4TV (via Make).
Rather than treat it like a jokey fad or freakshow, they do a pretty good job showing off what makes the stuff so damn cool.

Which reminds me, the 2nd Annual Handcar Regatta is Sept. 27th in Santa Rosa. Mark it down, punk!