“I don’t always wear a costume, but when I do, I look exactly-fucking-like The Most Interesting Man in the World.”
Las Vegas‘ own Tyler Langston has officially won Halloween. At least the AdverSpokesperson Category. Well done, man. Cheers!
HERE’S THE REAL DEAL: See the rest »
You can only get away with this costume one day out of the year. And that day only occurs on leap year. In another dimension.
Thankfully, every day of the year you can enjoy a different Shocker euphemism with The Shocker 365 Calendar (iPhone app forthcoming). As a writer, and a guy with a 12-yr-old’s sense of humor, See the rest »
Flame retarded, that is. See what I did there?
Saw this vintage Ben Cooper (aka Smock ‘n Mask) Halloween costume at the Petaluma Art & Garden Festival this weekend. No you wouldn’t garden in it. And only if you were me would you call it art and hang it on your wall. But somewhere along the lines the fest has become more about antiques and less about arty gardeny schtuff. And for this I am thankful.
Dig the green Hulk-brow mask below. See the rest »
My bus stop is right by my favorite phone booth in all of Petaluma. Not because I ever use it, or even touch it. I just like that it actually exists. And it’s pink. Today, it was even better. Thanks to this Real California Cheese Pizza Guy flashin’ signs.
Blurred in the background—the famous neon sign that proudly proclaims, “This ain’t no limp crust sissy-boy pizza.” It sure isn’t. Homeslice will kick your ass if you don’t give him a quarter. Are calls still a quarter?
Pinky’s Pizza Parlor on Yelp
1977: Incredible Hulk “Fun Poncho” is Retarded
I’ve always been creeped out by poodles and have only pet them reluctantly, out of guilt. I feel bad ‘cuz I’m sure they’re sweet and smart. But their ramen-like, yet semi-human, curly hair just gives me the willies. So imagine my shock and awe when I came across these photos taken by Ren Netherland. Shudder.
See the rest »