Re-Gifted: Lagunitas Sucks Holiday Leftovers
Lagunitas‘ Tony Magee just twatted this bit ‘o big news: See the rest »
Lagunitas‘ Tony Magee just twatted this bit ‘o big news: See the rest »
Big thanks to Mario at Brewed For Thought for hookin’ up the Ümlaut at Beer Network’s Winter Brews Fest last Saturday.
I finally got to try Uncommon Brewers Bacon Beer. It was tangy, malty sweet, and even a little slick (pork fat, perhaps?). But not as bacon-y as I was dreaming for. Surprisingly subtle in the bacon dept., actually. I met the brewer, Alec, who gave official confirmation there is actual pork inside this brew—not the pork pictured above, that was Lagunitas Brown Shugga -injected Hog from Sean Paxton The Homebrew Chef.
Moonlight Brewing Burn Toast Ale smelled and tasted exactly that, but in a good way. Such a good way.
Jeremy Marshal and Tony Magee of Lagunitas tune things up.
Winner of Petaluma Whiskerino “Best Combo Beard/’Stache”, Shawn Spreng, holding a glass of Firehouse Grill Imperial Red Ale. One of my favorites of the afternoon. Right up there with Valley Brewing Decadent Darkness and Odonata Rosa (one of two sours I’ve ever wanted to have more of).
Petaluma represent! Fred flanked by Jeremy and Tony.
See the full slideshow and recap at Brewed For Thought »
“Hop Stoopid + Bacon” Beer Ice Cream at Humphry Slocombe
Beer: Lagunitas Now Offering Virtual Tastings
Yum: Maple Glazed Bacon Apple Dynamo Donuts
HowTo: Turbaconducken (Yes, Turducken Wrapped In Bacon)
Celebrate International Bacon Day
HowTo: Make A Flaming Bacon Lance of Death
Eat: Bacon-Infused Ice Cream & Pig Nipples
Fresh from the brewery in sunny Petaluma. Bottled only three days ago. It’s a bigger, better version of the limited (and unfortunately all-gone) Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale.
Little Sumpin’ Extra! Ale, in the words of the brewer, Tony Magee:
“Honey and tropical fruit.. This is not beer as we have known it.”
Mmm, quaffable. Look for it in stores in the comin’ weeks.
For the geeks: 72.52 IBU, OG 1.082, 8.74% Alc
Gentle-persons, prepare your livers. It’s opening weekend at the new Lagunitas TapRoom and Beer Sanctuary in Petaluma, CA. Swing on by!
Tons of tasty schtuff on tap, including rarities like Bourbon Barrel Cappuccino Stout and the keg-only Farmhouse Saison.
Wednesday thru Sunday with live music, sandwiches and snacks.
Hours of operation will be Weds, Thurs, and Fri from 3–9 pm.
Saturday and Sunday from 1–7 pm. More pics …
Fred between Lagunitas Beer Weasel, Ron Lindenbusch and head brewing beastmaster Tony Magee. Cheers, fellas!