Much like the mesmerizing Floating Cat this lives in the world of what I like to call Suspended Animated Gifs. Hopefully it’ll spawn a new sub-category of LEGO versions. Maybe Wardinger, who created this one, will do some more.
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LEGO Spaceman T-Shirt
The same guy who made this Gif also put (adapted?) the classic LEGO spaceman design onto t-shirts: See the rest »
New York DP and Photographer Timur Civan, with help from his “Russian lens technician”, took a circa 1908 (possibly earlier) Wollensak 35mm F5.0 Cine-Velostigmat hand-cranked cinema camera lens and grafted it onto a Canon 5D Mark II.
(*For the less geeky, the 5D’s a seriously kick-ass digital cam that shoots still and video and full HD*)
Madonna, David Bowie, Grace Jones, even Ace of Base … add Conan Soranno to the list of people Lady Gaga‘s ripped off.
Friend of the Ümlaut Conan, and photographer behind Addicted Image, posted this interesting side-by-side of a photo he shot three years ago and a recent Gaga pic that’s making the rounds. Between the can curlers and studded leather bedazzlements, the case is clear.
To be fair, Lady Gaga didn’t completely rip him off. She did use Diet Coke cans instead of See the rest »
Man I wanna go explore inside each and every one of these 100 Abandoned Houses. So rad. Beautifully shot, too. Too bad there’s 12,000 more of these all around Detroit. Not so rad. (Via StickerRobot)
Jonathan Ratcliff snapped this pic of San Francisco’s drum-and-guitar duo, The Ferocious Few, down on Powell & Market. What’s rad about them, on top of their raw-ass sound, is that they play all around town. Like, on the street. A lot. Check their MySpace for dates and tunes.
Mardi Gras, yet another wondrous tilt-shift vid from the guy who brought you mini-monster rally Metal Heart and coastal shrink Bathtub IV. See what else Keith Loutit has tiny-fied.
Then get the TiltShift App for your iPhone and miniaturize your still pics.