Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Adv: Love Your Coochie?

Overseas Friend of the Ümlaut Todd Sullivan spotted this coochie in the Tube station last night. He also saw a Lady Garden and VaJayJay but was too shy to snap another pic.

Turns out, it’s a campaign for British “tampon alternative” called the Mooncup, made from medical grade silicon. Intrigued?

Whisker Biscuit? Disco Flaps? Tyler?!

Find out why they’re collecting pet names for vagina. Then submit your own at loveyourvagina.com.

Adv: Healy’s Naked Power Grab Sign
Drink: How ‘Bout a Nice Cup of Pschitt?
Big In Japan: Black Man Undies, Ball Blushers, and Tommy Lee Jones