Big In Japan: Black Man Undies, Ball Blushers, and Tommy Lee Jones
Friend of the Ümlaut, Todd Sullivan, just returned from Japan and this is what he saw. Whoa. Thanks, Sully!
WTF: Japanese Star Wars Chicken
Video: Asians Doing Christopher Walken Impressions
Video: Hand Ninja
Adv: Japanese Banana Man Spot Will Creep You The F Out
Here’s a little more about the Tommy Lee Jones thing. I read an article about this campaign for Boss Coffee while back.
The premise goes – Tommy is an alien sent to earth to study humans where he picks up a liking for coffee in a can.
The campaign did so well it was honored in ’07 at the All Japan Radio and Television Commercial Confederation.
You can see all the spots here –
Had no idea .. but there’s like 18 of the TV spots!