Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Every Everything: Every Star Wars Lightsaber Boost, Knight Rider Turbo Boost, N.W.A. Explicit Lyric, Simpsons Couch Gag, …

Every Star Wars Lightsaber ignition and retraction. (via LaughingSquid)

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Every turbo boost in Knight Rider. Ever.
Catch the Höff “stop short” at 3:25!  (via Jalopnik)

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Every f*cking word of profanity in N.W.A.’s classic. Nothing else.

N.W.A. “Straight Outta Compton”

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Every “Dude” or Every Swear in Big Lebowski

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Every Swear Word in The Sopranos

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Every “Cocksucker” in Deadwood (Season 1)

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Every “That’s What She Said” in The Office

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Every Simpsons Couch Gag

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Every Simpsons newspaper headline (almost).

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Every Mad Men pickup line

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Surely that’s not everything. Anyone?

Ongoing: A Collection of Facial Hair Collections

6 Responses

  1. mike says:

    probably the most influential Every ever –

  2. nick says:

    Approximately 10 minutes after the original cars were destroyed offical replicas commissioned by Universal were made by George Barris and/or Jay Ohrberg…exactly 10 minutes.

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