Whoa: Indian Pole Gymnastics vs. American Pole Dancing
You won’t catch Jason Bateman pulling off any of these moves.
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Diameter of Mallakhamb Pole:
55 cm at base, 35 cm at top
This Mallakhamb (‘Malla‘ means gymnast, and ‘khamb‘ means poles) vid has been flying around as much as the gymnasts themselves. With good reason. It’s crazy impressive. Though the flesh-colored pole is a little unsettling. Just sayin’. (Thanks, Mel!)
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Diameter of Stripper Pole:
5 cm average
They’re not strippers, they’re dancers acrobats, damnit.
While the girls win in the uniform department and degree of difficulty vs. size of pole, the Mallakhamb dudes win for their bizarrely mesmerizing, complex, and just plain odd “routines”. I can’t possibly imagine how they’re choreographed, but there’s definitely a method to the manic-ness. Namely, “Don’t fall off or crush your balls.” Well, that’d be my method.
Video: The Super-Hero Acrobatic Stylings of Damien Walters
Whoa: Jason Bateman Strips in Orbit Dirty Shorts
Video: Hand Ninja
Photoshop: Man Moustaches on Lady Celebrities
Play: Bikini Karate Babes 2
Actually, I think the narrower pole makes the moves easier, because hands can be wrapped around the pole, making it easier to grip.