Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Photos: The Old Hessel Store Yard Sale Extravaganza, Sebastopol

Vintage Signs on Side of Hessel Property

Vintage tin signs. Old automobile insignias. Animal skulls. Eye-candy galore …

Check out the gallery.

Our friends Candy & John are clearing out their house, what used to be an old market and gas station, nestled on the windy Hessel Road in Sebastopol (Google Street View). This was the 2nd yard sale in an ongoing series. They’ve got a ton of stuff. Search “Hessel” on Craigslist for the next sale.

Hessel Property

Vintage Tin Signs Outside Hessel

August with Calf (Goat?) Skull

I’m a sucker for old lettering and typography.

These are all vintage automobile insignias except for “Revolute Star.” Those are from an old blueline printer. John peeled’em off when he worked at a San Francisco printing press many moons ago. He said the printers were the size of three refrigerators and would permeate the building with the smell of ammonia, much like how old bars just reek of smoke and booze.

Burgermeister Beer Can
Burgie! beer can from the now defunct San Francisco Brewing Corporation.

Mercury Hubcap
Vintage Mercury and Studebaker hubcaps.

Vintage Washing Machine with Prickly Pears

Vintage Signs: Shell, California State Line

August with 3000z Insignia
August picked out the 3000Z, a fine choice.

Shriner Decorative License Plate

Vintage Sign: Trojan Batteries

Singer Sewing Machine Pedal

Vintage Sign: Sonoma Valley of the Moon
Did you know in Native American, Sonoma means “Valley of the Moon”?
Get the story here.

Old Frigidaire and Gaspump Glass Top
We snagged this cool old Frigidaire for Mel’s Blue Ribbon Salvage items. Perfect fit.

Frigidaire Cold Control Switch

Vintage Sign: Cofranc Motor Oil

Aerial View of Hessel Property in Sebastopol
Aerial shot of the property circa ’70s.

Complete set on Flickr.

One Response

  1. Mary Stech says:

    Hi, I found your website today. I’m not sure how old this site is, it looks like this sale was years ago. I thought I’d try writing you anyway just in case you had some signs left, or had collected more. I’m also interested in old tins, and pretty much any advertising items. There are other antiques and collectibles that I look for, if you have anything else.

    Please let me know if you have any old items that you have that you’re interested in selling.


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