“After decades of bald skateboards, the research team at loser cruzers have finally developed a hairy solution to this problem. Behold, the weird beard skateboard, with super realistic fake beard hair flowing wild and free. Our team of expert hair farmers hope you will enjoy leaving a trail of hair behind to mark your turf at all the spots you shred.”
Whether fake or real. And whether you’ve only been growin’ for Movember or have a life-long habit, surely you can liken it to some literary figure from the past or present…
Come to the Literary Moustache Contest Friday Night @ 7 pm
Out of the 250+ pages of craft beer labels from the 100+ craft breweries in the CRAFT BEERDS book, there’s more Irish-ish / red-bearded labels than you can shake a shilialey at. These are a few favorites…
Spotted this vintage 1910 poster over the weekend and’ve been wondering … is one of ’em a tranny? Where’s the girl? Notice how dastardly ‘staches and bladed weapons outnumber guns by a longshot (no pun intended).
For over a year we’ve collected, photographed and laid-out a beautiful book that celebrates all the best craft beer labels with beards, sideburns and moustaches on them—CRAFT BEERDS. Yes, there’s enough to fill a book.
But now the book’s grown to over 175 breweries and almost 300 pages and we need your help in printing the thing. Please share and check out our Kickstarter to lend a hand and get some cool rewards in return.
A masterful tattoo flash tribute to the master himself, Sailor Jerry Collins. Created by another Jerry … Jerry Walker of Uncle Jerry Tattoo (Chicago represent!)
While Ron Swanson‘s ‘stache is magnificent in all its Flanders-ishness, a handlebar’s a handlebar. Pretty tough to beat. Proven by this latest Heineken spot: