Sure, 2011 is ripe with special dates; SF Beer Week is Feb 11—20, Cowboys & Aliens opens July 29, and the whole year itself has been designated The Int’l Year of Chemistry. But what I’m most excited about are the numbers.
It’s gonna be a great year so be sure to stay on top of the Ümlaut on Facebook and Twitter.
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Here’s some significant dates, times, and binary for the year. Hit me up with any additions or suggestions. And enjoy the soundtrack.
Christmas beer with an Ümlaut? It almost didn’t make it home unopened.
Delirium Noël,
or Delirium Christmas ale (depending on where you find it), smells like dark fruit, maple, and bread. Pours darker and redder than the golden Delirium Tremens I’m familiar with. Tastes more festive, too.
Let Noël warm up and find a lot going on. Rich, fruity notes like green apples and golden raisins provide a sweet but not syrupy side. And the bready character and complex Belgian yeasts, not to mention 10% ABV, help make it a seriously satisfying winter warmer.
Between Santa‘s mittened-finger devil horns and the ümlauted subtitle, this Spiced Doüble Alt poses itself as one badass brew. The only improvement would be Santa riding one of these. But like the ümlaut it’s, uh, unnecessary. The damn beer’s giving a hat tip to Slayer!
Ninkasi‘s Sleigh’r pours a dark ruby red and smells of sweet molasses and malt.
Tastes of dark, candied fruits swirled with molasses on an oak pitchfork.
It finishes woodsy and sweet. Let it warm up a little to let the richness (and the 7.2% ABV) truly rock out. A very welcome winter warmer.
The best part about The Simpsons “The Fight Before Christmas” holiday special wasn’t the Treehouse of Horror -style format. Nor Katy Perry outdoing her “shocking” Sesame Street appearance through an oral sex joke with a Muppet Mo. Nope, it was how the entire episode was brought to you by the Ümlaut. (Thanks, Brookelynn!)
Mërry Christmas!
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Lotta Tron news this week. Not only did they release the Japanese poster for Tron: Legacy, they announced that 30 minutes of the movie will be shown at the Tokyo International Film Festival on October 23rd (via). Start packin’.
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Here’s a look at the necessarily umlauted (örökség means heritage) international poster featuring Beau Garrett.
What about Assück? Beowülf? Or the doubly-unnecessary Infernäl Mäjesty?
The pentagram of knowledge has only so much room for ümlauts. Thankfully, the thoughtful groupings and classifications of metal band names more than make up for it.
Get a closer look at One For The Road.
“The Dübble Trübble, built in 1953 by legendary racer Bud Hare, was a beastly Triumph twin-engined motorcycle that dominated the drag strips during the 1950s with a top speed of 142.38 mph. The dual 40 cu. in. displacement engines were fed through a Harley-Davidson hand-shift gearbox with foot clutch. Only two gears are used–second and high.”