Visualizer: Flaming Music Sound Waves with the Rubens’ Tube
Turns out if you drill holes in a pipe, seal the ends, run gas and music through it, then light it on fire, the flames will visualize the sound waves. These guys show how they just made one for $11. But local fav’s the Myth Busters explained it best a couple years back.
Watch videos of Rubens’ Tube action …
Myth Busters Explain the Science of Rubens Tube
Journey’s “Any Way You Want It” Visualized by U of Portland student
Wii-mote Controlled Rubens’ Tube (via Instructables)
If only Moloch had this in his flaming stage show.
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Süperfad x Nando Costa: Tactile Waveforms Video
Video: Vanishing Point Is Abstract LP Cover Trip-Out
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[…] Related: Flaming Music Sound Waves With The Rubens’ Tube […]