This brings up a terrific question: Why don’t you eat cats?
Bacon comes from an animal half as cute. Shouldn’t cats be twice as delicious?
There’s even a festival devoted entirely to eating cats Festival Gastronomico del Gato every September in Peru. Alas, this is not an ad for said fest. Nor does the Starter Guide set you down the path to becoming a feline feast fancier. It’s actually some sort of meatless propaganda. Bummer. Now it’s got me rethinking other animals, too. Like a grilled Panda Cow or Poodle-Bison burger. Mmm.
Congrats to our team from Ogilvy and at jumP LA on being a contender for an OBIE, advertising’s oldest award show. Out of 66 other agencies, it’s the only Ogilvy entrant to make it this year.
Overseas Friend of the ÜmlautTodd Sullivan spotted this coochie in the Tube station last night. He also saw a Lady Garden and VaJayJay but was too shy to snap another pic.
Turns out, it’s a campaign for British “tampon alternative” called the Mooncup, made from medical grade silicon. Intrigued?
Sure, it’s a quote taken out of context. Part of a larger, sillier rant that doesn’t deserve even this much acknowledgment. But c’mon. Couldn’t he fit any more innuendos in? Can you?
Here’s a few starters:
“Say No to Aggressive Reach-Arounds!”
“Clamp Down on Handjobs for Handouts!”
“Stop Throwing Taxpayer Money Into Glory Holes!”
Really diggin’ this. Saw it at Scouting NY who makes a great point: “I wish they had made it a little bit more clear what the incentive is to lug my old VCR all the way to Best Buy versus just tossing it in the garbage.” I wonder how many people outside the Bay Area bubble are as aware of the hazards of e-waste. Or of how much personal data can still be retrievable even after you’ve “deleted it”.