Trailer: Badass Gymnast + Karate + The 80s = Gymkata!
“When gymnastics and Karate are fused
the combustion becomes an explosion
and a new kind of martial arts superhero is born …”
Gymkata. “Kurt Thomas becomes Jonathan Cabot”. That’s how powerful his performance is.
I had no idea this even existed. Looks so fantastically awful. Can’t wait to see it. Thanks for sharing, Angel. (via Leanne)
Read the CHUD review »
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Fred Abercrombie. Fred Abercrombie said: Watch this if you're drunk right now: GYMKATA! 80s trailer for karate gymnastics shitshow […]
This trailer started off my day in a great way! Thanks Fred!
We heard about this movie a few months back from a friend and Netflixed it for watching with beers on a Sat night. It was pretty awesomely awful- the sub-plot with the ninja princess chick, the randomly placed parallel bars and pommel horse type things in alley ways so Kurt Thomas can kick some ass, and the great 80s style. Worth checking out.