The best part about The Simpsons “The Fight Before Christmas” holiday special wasn’t the Treehouse of Horror -style format. Nor Katy Perry outdoing her “shocking” Sesame Street appearance through an oral sex joke with a Muppet Mo. Nope, it was how the entire episode was brought to you by the Ümlaut. (Thanks, Brookelynn!)
Mërry Christmas!
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Much like the existential effect Garfield remixes had, Kanye West tweets done as New Yorker Cartoons are bizarro improvements. The difference is Garfield cartoons are funny to begin with. Kanyetweets are like Garfield The Movie. Sorry, Bill Murray.
Remember these? The car with the way-way-back section for the Mother-In-Law. Or the glass bottom to see if you ran over any friends. Good stuff. ‘Cars’ and ‘Farm’ always ran together. At least in my memories. Enjoy the trip.
Hang in there for the pun-tastic finale, “Reject Barn” … What do you get when you cross an owl with a billy goat?
While it’s no secret animators re-use assets to save time (especially Pixar), this video’s just too much. See it big.
The two biggest culprits are my least fac Disney pics ever, the Rescuers and Robin Hood. The latter giving birth to one of the first memes I can remember. (Thanks Fang.)