Located deep in the heart of the Apple campus is the $100 million Infinite Loop Lab. Engadget scored a look inside the former “black lab” and revealed what seems like a pretty-damn thorough testing facility.
KID A-pple
Although the chilly, dark ‘n glitchy goodness of Kid A‘s “Everything in Its Right Place” makes an ironic-enough soundtrack, this Radiohead rarity is even more fitting …
Those blue spikes are made of sound- and signal-dampening foam. The room above tests signal strength at any angle by strapping the device to a rotating arm. When Engadget arrived there was an iPad being tested. They asked why and Apple responded “…[we’ve been testing the iPad] for years.” Interesting.
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Testing the iPhone pain threshold in the MacHAL 9000 Iron Maiden. Or something to do with WiFi networks.
As I’ve posted before, it’s amazing what a diff’rent soundtrack can do. Someone found the perfect track to lay over Jay Leno’s Olympic spot. (via AgencySpy)
This is Mustard. A homeless guy who just appeared on a Sirius XM Radio show who’s jackass hosts don’t need any more press. See, messing with the homeless is one of their recurring bits (i.e., offering one a whole pie and then stomping on it in front of them). Doesn’t matter if they give ’em cash afterwards, that’s F’d up.
But this time they didn’t get a homeless guy who was visibly drunk or with obvious mental problems to toy with. Surprised, they got a guy with some seriously gruff pipes and a heartbreaking rendition of Radiohead‘s Creep. To me, that deserves all the press he can get. (via workforfood)