Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

WTF: Trololololololololololo

Let it load and it will be stuck in your head. All. Day.
Trololololololololololo.com (Thanks, Chris)


When your own reaction isn’t quite dramatic enough there’s Instant Vader
Nooooooooooooooo.com (thanks, Fang). Or, Instant Crickets, Instant Rimshot, and the always useful Sad Trombone.

Beer: First Look At Lagunitas Wilco Tango Foxtrot Ale. WTF FTW!
WTF: Pinup Robert Downey Jr
WTF: Bea Arthur Mountains Pizza
WTF: Japanese Star Wars Chicken
WTF: Selleck Waterfall Sandwich
WTF: Male Genitalia-Shaped Cashew on Craigslist

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