Look: The Islands (and Canals) of San Francisco
Burrito Justice has answered the question (which he also brilliantly asked), What if the neighborhoods of San Francisco were islands and the streets canals?
A lovely view of the Valencia Street Canal.
I used to consider the TenderNob just a “nicer” part of the Tenderloin (with Nob Loin even nicer). But according to this fictional map, and the reality of all the new bars and stores that’ve popped up, it really is becoming its own island.
My first two apartments in SF were on Geary between Hyde & Leavenworth. Back then it was full on ‘Loin. We’d catch crack smokers in our garbage area (behind the locked gate). And after 5 pm our building maintainence guy would be in a skirt and heels (oh wait, that’s just SF).
Check out JohnnyO‘s latest additions to the Islands of San Francisco map at Burrito Justice »
KYEO: Ominous Shadow Art on California Street
Data Viz: San Francisco Crimes x Trees x Taxis
Graf: Banksy hits San Francisco(?)!
HD Video Projection On Old SF Mint
Typography: Lettering via Google Maps & Flickr
InfoGraphic: The Topography of San Francisco Crime