Drugs: Ratatat’s Stock Footage Mindfork Music Video
As if stock footage isn’t creepy enough (B Roll‘s another story, however).
Director Carl Burgess scrubbed the Getty Images archives for tons of choice stock footage for Ratatat‘s new video, Drugs. But couldn’t just leave their natural creepiness alone. Oh no. (Thanks, Mike!)
Hear Ratatat on the Friday Five »
Made entirely from Predator clips, Ratatat‘s Mirando video by E*VAX.
MP3: Friday Five 05.07.10 Ratatat, Wolf Parade, Shout Out Louds, Tame Impala, and Jeff Mangum
Video: Yeah, We Got That B Roll!!
Video: George Lopez Thinks George Lopez is Hilarious
WTF: Trololololololololololo
Whoa: Cyriak’s Cow Mindfork