Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Augmented Reality: Geek Out With The Umlaut

A ton of vids and articles exploring the possibilities of Augmented Reality are popping up. Here’s a grip of ’em:

iPHONE: Augmented Reality iPhone Demo via Touch Arcade.
Game researcher and director of Georgia Tech’s Augmented Environment Lab (yes, there is one) Blair MacIntyre shows a virtual reality pet crossed with the iPhone’s realtime-video feed. It’s a demo now, but only a matter of time before I use it to create a virtual French Bulldog.

See more …

TEGRA: Augmented Reality Zombie Game under dev for the Tegra.
Blood splatters onscreen. And if you hover too long the  Zombies chuck limbs at you. Cool.

DESKTOP: Papervision x Augmented Reality.
Try it yourself at the Boffswana site. (via Ratcliff)

XBOX HACK: AR Driving Demo (Flash + FLARtoolkit + xbox controller).
from Squidder figured out how to drive a mini-car on your desktop using an xbox controller, see how.

BRAND/AUTOS: AR for the Toyota iQ (via Tenth Dimension).
Watch for the 1:00 mark.

BRAND/AUTOS: Before Toyota got in the AR game, Mini Germany did this.

BOOK: Aliens & UFOs by ArsEdition (via Tenth Dimension).
Supposedly “the world’s first consumer-print product with augmented reality features”. One could argue all books have AR features. Read more here.

BRAND/PACKAGING: Doritos Queso Diablo AR Bag
Because who doesn’t want to find a cooked mouse in their bag of chips? Try it yourself here. (via DigitalBuzz)

PRODUCT MODELING: Cool demo showing the possibilities of AR and touch interaction.

PLAY: Augmented Reality Drum Kit (demo #1) from Squidder.
Another exploration combining touch technology. (Thanks, Ty)

Topps’ WTF (via ArsTechnica)
In trying to breathe life back into collecting, Topps is taking the reality out of Augmented Reality. The super-polygon 3d look is just too artificial. But I do like the idea of playing simple little games with these guys if you’ve got a couple of ’em together. Article here.

BUSINESS CARD: Check out other stuff from this Japanese design studio BOW(?)

BRAND: GE’s SmartGrid Technology
Maybe it’s ‘cuz this was the first AR I saw and tried, but I think it’s still the most inspiring ones out there. I love it when the graphics aren’t attached to the paper. Like the glowing Sun hovering above. Nice.

5 Responses

  1. […] Creepy on so many levels. Plus, the banana FX look like they’re made with augmented reality. […]

  2. […] Related: Augmented Reality: Geek Out With The Umlaut […]

  3. […] RELATED: AR: McCann’s Pencil for One Show Interactive  AR: Living Sasquatch AR: Geek Out With The Umlaut […]

  4. […] Augmented Reality: Geek Out With The Umlaut – Ünnecessary ÜmlautA surplus of geekery by advertising copywriter Fred Abercrombie :: Beer, music, gadgets, design, it’s all good. … iPhone Info and Tricks » Blog Archive » Augmented Reality: Geek Out With The Umlaut says: […]

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