Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Stacked: (((((Stereo))))) Album Covers

Vinyl porn. Without the PVC bodysuits.

I’ve got a major thang for vintage vinyl album covers. And could spend all day flipping through stacks at Amoeba for the design and over-the-top copy alone. There’s a new site/project that exploits one very specific vinyl fetish: the Stereo header. Whatever kind you’re into—Living, Dual Dynamic, Stereo-Spectrum, Sterophonic, Kaleidoscopic—Stereo Stack collects scans from old covers and stacks them for your ogling pleasure. You can even shuffle ’em with a click.

Sarted by the owner of Seattle’s Jive Time Records and founder of album cover blog Project Thirty-Three, the site currently has dozens of different headers and a promise of more to come.

There’s even a stereo ‘stache:

Go peruse StereoStack.com »

• •   • •

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