Though I missed the REBEL8 “Return of the Lost Angels” event by a week (video here and recap at Fatlace) I was lucky enough to drive down Melrose in time to catch the huge bomb Mike Giant dropped on the Shepard Fairey wall at De La Barracuda.
“After months of work and hundreds of buckets of paint” BLU‘s latest, BIG BANG BIG BOOM, more than outdoes his last epic video. Soundtrack by Andrea Martignon.
Spotted at Olympic & Lincoln, outside Company 3. First Skullphone piece I’ve seen in a while. Apparently his new show Digital Media has been running at Subliminal Projects and is wrapping up July 2nd. Watch the vid below.
Dots are big part of his latest wave of work, “Through painted pointillism, the imagery dislocates as the artwork is approached.”
Spotted these off Sutter St on Trinity Place. Ever since I moved here I’d see these all around SF. But they’d be painted over by the time I’d swing by again with a camera. Not this time. Thank you crappy iPhone cam.