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A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Easter Eggs: TRON Pac-Man and Mickey Mouse

With the new Daft Punk video and soundtrack finally out, along with the final Legacy trailers, there’s not much new to expect before the 17th. So it’s a good time to mine the original Tron to pass the time. Here’s a couple easter eggs you may or may not’ve caught. Yes, they’re both real.

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Geek Out: ASCII Easter Egg on Tron Soundtrack Site
Pulp Disney: Pulp Fiction Dubbed with Donald and Mickey
Video: The Original Ghostbusters, Disney’s Lonesome Ghosts (1937)
Video: Disney Retraces Their Steps, Again, and Again
TRON: New Daft Punk “Derezzed” Music Video
KYEO: Invader Spotted on La Brea
Petaluma Whiskerino: ‘Beardo Optico’ Tron Beard Video

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