MP3: Andrew Bird covers Kermit, Fruit Bats, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Future Islands, and Four Tet :: Friday 08.05.11
Greetings from NYC. Again. Here’s some brand spankin’ new and some old(ish) tunes to add to your shopping list. Enjoy thoroughly.
Andrew Bird “Bein’ Green” (Kermit the Frog)”
from Muppets: The Green Album
Fruit Bats “You’re Too Weird” from Tripper
Cymbals Eat Guitars “Definite Darkness”
from Lenses Alien
Future Islands “Long Flight”
from In Evening Air
Four Tet “Locked” from Fabriclive 59
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Rock out with the Ümlaut every Friday. [Follow ÜÜ on Twitter]
Video: Spiderman Plays Careless Whisper on Sax in NYC
Peep This: Muppets With People Eyes
MP3: Cymbals Eat Guitars “Wind Phoenix”
Glow In The Dark: Silkscreen by Dan McCarthy
The Simpsons: Brought to You by the Ümlaut (and Katy Perry?)
MP3: Painted Palms Cover Dirty Projectors