Ünnecessary Ümlaut


A surplus of geekery by :: Fred Abercrombie

Ünnecessary: BRÖÖ Craft Beer Shampoo

This was sent to us by Friend of the Ümlaut Don, who did The Robot in this Beer Circus vid, while in Asheville, NC.

BRÖÖ is a shampoo that uses craft beer as a magical ingredient. I assumed they’d use Asheville Brewing (makers of Moog Beer), but it’s actually St. Terese’s Pale Ale from Highland Brewing. Apparently, using beer in shampoo not only provides opportunity for unnecessary umluats and beer puns (eg “a clean head“), it really does clean like nobody’s business.

But BRÖÖ is not the first.

Let 1978 Kim Basinger tell you about
the first beer-enriched shampoo: 


The short-lived Body On Tap shampoo actually used Budweiser, but “Augie” Busch refused to let Budweiser be publicly associated with the product because he believed “beer was to be ingested, not poured on your head“. Funny, I’d rather pour Budweiser on my head than ingest it.

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Beer Güt Shirt

Fab: Moog Filtered Ale from Asheville Brewing Company + Bönus Moog MP3 Mix
Watch: The Top 10 Freaks from Lagunitas Beer Circus 2011
Wear: Brew Holster Cult
Beer: The Most Awesome Bottle Opener In the World. Ever.
Want: iPhone Beer Bottle Opener
Shop: Beer Güt Shirt Makes Beer Guts Good

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