Proof of how funny this is? They used the Benny Hill tune and didn’t even have to speed it up.
I laughed so hard I spat out my glow-in-the-dark pacifier.
“Late for Meeting” This mannequin walks like a Robot Chicken character on meth. Drives like one, too. It’s another freakin’ fabulous vid by David Lewandowski, the man behind the TRON: LEGACY opening credits and some sweet Flying Lotus music vids.
Be sure to re-watch the original, “Going to the Store“:
This new music video for the SoCal band LA Takedown is Michael Mann-ish in the most awesome of ways. Beyond the connection with the band name itself, the vid practically throws a pastel blazer on you and gives you a high five. Thankfully it takes its time pushing up the sleeves. Sit back and let it unfold.
This was all shot with a RED Epic-equipped gyrostabilized camera platform, The GSS C520. “A portable 5-axis system that houses a range of leading digital cinema cameras, like the Epic and Sony F55, while also capable of integrating future advancements in camera technology”. Whoa. Check out what else Teton Gravity Research is up to (no pun intended).