Video: Vintage Sizzler Commercial, er, Film
Can you make it through all four minutes of this? You can? I don’t believe you. [via]
Can you make it through all four minutes of this? You can? I don’t believe you. [via]
Great work (as always) from W+K.
Below is still my favorite Lurpak spot … if only for it’s catchy tune:
Face-Off: Recognize the ‘Guinness Black’ Guy?
Beervertising: Carlton Draught Does Best Chase Scene Since Bullitt
Watch: Will Arnett as Kent Wesley, Internet Lawyer in AT&T Spots
Watch: New Meth Project TV Directed by Darren Aronofsky
Stoked the Yay Area’s team made it to the Super—l. Even more excited for the commercials. Last year’s VW The Bark Side was a standout. This year Samsung comes out of the gate with El Plato Supreme as a sign of a promising new crop of spots. Watch above as Bob Odenkirk gets all Saul Goodman with Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen. See the rest »
This came with an official-ish announcement on Facebook about Lagunitas‘ impending Chicago opening:
“Chicago Update: Stuff’s happening. If all the stars align, our TapRoom may open in April … somewhere around the 20th? Stay tuned.” See the rest »
Thanks Matt for the See the rest »
My only knowledge of Jack Huston is his Boardwalk Empire character’s war-torn face and compelling acting chops. The show makes you feel so much that you do forget he’s just a regular dude. Until you see him in the latest Guinness spot…
Alright, maybe not THE best. But it’s damn awesome. And, yes, that’s Sergio Cilli with the ‘stache. (Thanks, Beer Street Journal)
Watch: Hahn Beer Commercial is Superbly Epic
Much Needed: Watch “Truth in Beervertising”
DayTime: Lagunitas’ Newest Seasonal Hits Bottles and Desks
Watch: The Top 10 Freaks from Lagunitas Beer Circus 2011
Watch: How To Master the Lagunitas Butterfly Bottle Opener
This wins the internet for the week. There’s even an interactive player you can use to record your own mix. Kinda like Ron Winter’s QWERTY drums on roids, juice, ludes and some sort of fish paralyzer. Thanks for the tip, Beau.
Wow: ADHD Drummer Goes Apeshit
Drum: Top Secret Drum Corp at Basel Tatoo 2009
Music: Rock the QWERTY drums
Swaggerin’ Sea Captain: New, Bearded Old Spice Guy Commercial
Beer Ad: Jean Claude Does Van Dammage in Pants for Coors Light UK
Watch: Hahn Beer Commercial is Superbly Epic
The See the rest »
With 53 documentaries packed into 4 days of the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival, there’s a lot of decisions to make. However, The Audio Program is a no brainer. Presented by the production sound legends behind Apocalypse Now, A Bug’s Life, and more, Pat Jackson & Dan Gleich, The Audio Program runs Saturday, March 31. The festival goes from March 29th through April 1st.
This is the first of two trailers Director Beau Bouverat and production co. TINBIKE partnered with ABERCROMBIE+ALCHEMY to create for the SDFF. With delicious sound design by Chris Vibberts‘ Music For Film. See #2 below. See the rest »
Of all the Bueller references packed in this Todd Philips-directed spot, the See the rest »
This one’s all about execution. And I don’t think Lucas could direct this furry troupe the way the folks at Deutsch did. Maybe that’s why he’s retiring from blockbusters.
Apparently, this is only a teaser for some Game Day celebration tie-in that Volkswagen is sponsoring. There’s even a site where you can get your name (and more?) in a customized Star Wars crawl. Woof. Check it here.
As this year’s agency holiday card, G2 built this site that pipes in cranky, humbug-ian tweets so you can peruse and pick ones to respond to—with a random, cheery haiku. A “totally random way to cheer up someone totally random” indeed. Pretty simple. Pretty addictive, too. You don’t even have to be a word nerd. Go give it a try.
Maybe you can send one to the Freaky Snowman? I hear he’s got his own Twitter.
See the rest »
Man, I used to love flipping through my brother’s Beatles LPs and staring at the cover art. Glad Apple let them shine in their own commercial. Also, they’ve made an animated iBook of Yellow Submarine up for free download on iTunes.
As an Internet Lawyer, Kent Wesley has sued the pants of many a pants wearer.
You can watch these spots and get your Arrested Development fix (or Old Spice, depending on how you look at it) or if you’re really feelin’ motivated you can go to You’ve Got a Case on Facebook where he’ll “serve” your friends and family. (Thanks, Ty)