This amazing clip is from Hard Ticket To Hawaii, an 80s film I never new existed until Fang Found This posted another clip, Motorcycle vs Wall + Snake vs Bazooka (below). Anyone have the full flick copy ripped?
Lotta Tron news this week. Not only did they release the Japanese poster for Tron: Legacy, they announced that 30 minutes of the movie will be shown at the Tokyo International Film Festival on October 23rd (via). Start packin’.
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Here’s a look at the necessarily umlauted (örökség means heritage) international poster featuring Beau Garrett.
After seeing The Black Hole artwork in the Tron Comic-Con trailer I couldn’t help but pull this up …
I remember watching this as a kid in the Boulder City Theater (just outside Vegas), the same theater my great-grandfather helped build and later died in. No, not drawing any Flynn / Arcade connections. Just random backstory.
Anyway, the cameo’s no coincidence. Tron Legacy director Joseph Kosinski is signed on to remake The Black Hole. Why, I don’t know.
The Tron Legacy soundtrack is getting released a month before the flick itself: November 23.
Hear snippets of six of the Daft Punk songs at this radio station’s site. They’re dark, dramatic, and bass-y in all the right ways. Though not as immediately rocking as the incredible Tron Shiryu Remix (love it!!).
More backstory. More arcade. More blue lines and lightbike-y awesomeness. More reasons to screw patience and cryogenically freeze yourself until December 17. [via Electronic Rumors]
No, I’m not referring to another rash of massage parlors. Petaluma’s Boulevard Cinema will be only one of 27 movie houses to get these special D-BOX motion FX seats. (pic via OhGizmo)
“…You can sit in this chair, and as you’re watching the movie, the chair will move to left or the right or vibrate, so it makes the moviegoing experience 4-D instead of 3-D”
Almost like this classic bit from Kentucky Fried Movie:
Set aside 15 minutes to watch this epic animated short film. Some NSFW language and violence (so mind the kiddies). Watch Logorama on Vimeo. (Thanks, Gerard!)
Logorama‘s opening cityscape made me think of this real-life take on our logofied, over-branded future: See the rest »
I love it when studios/agencies take time to add little touches to the things that come standard. Here’s a humongous gallery of creative variations on opening logos (1947–Present).