Kids and stoners alike will eat this up with a spoon. But don’t even show it to the Trippy Webcam Girl. She’ll just explode.
Autodesk just released this real-time video effects app, Motion FX, which uses your Mac’s FaceTime, iSight, or external camera and facial tracking [see: CamStache] to apply crazy effects like fire, smoke, and rainbow plasma (which I like to call the Predator filter).
Not just a killer way to make killer angular designs on your iPad, IsoSketch also lets you export them for use in other programs on your computer—without having to sync your iPad.
Very cool technology being toyed with that gives you a 3D view based on the position of your head. How? Like CamStache, it uses your front-facing camera for head tracking and then alters the image based on your angle. Pretty damn smart. (via MacRumors)
What a week for iPhones and beer. First I hear the arcade classic Tapper is coming to iOS as Tapper World Tour. Now there’s an app to help you count all the beers you knock back in the real world, BeerStat.
Do you really need a tally for your drinking? Really? Maybe not. But what’s cool about this is all the stats it spits back at you. Not just which brands you’ve drank most but what percentage of your body weight you’ve drank in beer, or how much money you’ve spent on beer this month. No doubt, too much.
SF (spoiled) locals know duo The Ferocious Few as avant buskers who pop up and rock out anywhere from Market Street to Mission Street.
BSSP ad peep Scott McFadden (UPDATE: and crew of Eddie Ringer (director), Garrett Delorm, Darren Wong and Alex Rice) helped the band on a video and iPhone app that captures their all-over-the-place nature.
For their Loc’d Out vid Scott tells us, “…the projection idea came from the fact that they started performing with guerrilla performances around SF. We tried to keep this same vibe by projecting in sketchy places like city hall. It was pretty shady walking around with a projector and generator. We did get some heat but it didn’t stop us.”
The iPhone App lets you hold your own pop-up show. “Your front row ticket to a live Ferocious Few face-melting, regardless of how un-epic your current location may be. See the rest »
Even more impressive than a first like iPad-as-owners-manual, or a VO from Jeff Bridges, is how the new Equus glovebox can actually fit an iPad. Mine barely holds a glove. Maybe that’s ‘cuz it’s Swarovski encrusted?
$48k iPad comes with free Hyundai
While every Equus comes with a 16GB WiFi Apple iPad you don’t have to own the car to get the app, download it free on iTunes. But it might make more sense if you did.
Dimension Invaders combines camera, GPS, and accelerometer to bring space invaders into firing range. Wherever you may be. Game only works on iPhone 3GS. Learn more at Rapidito Games. Or download from iTunes.
Fang just sent me this video on the future of AR gaming. Not real, but pretty badass. Dimension Invader is the closest we’ll get for now.
With tonight’s opening gala it’s official, the 2nd annual San Francisco Beer Week is on. Over 200 different events over the next week, all around the Bay. Yes, two hundo! Here’s five to get you started. See 7×7 Magazine top picks here.
Great promotion for the new line of PUMA Bodywear. When the market goes down, the clothes come off. Brilliant.
Not as useful as the new Flickr App from Yahoo! or the Priceless Picks App from Mastercard, but what’s your ratio of useful to useless-but-nearly-naked apps anyway? And have you seen the market?
The Seer app lets Wimbledon visitors point their phone at any of the courts and see stats from the current and upcoming matches there. Or if they’re hungry, point it around the food court and see what grub’s on special.
Full article on Brand Republic. Developed by IBM and OgilvyOne London. (Thanks, Todd)
Watch the video above to see how artist Jorge Colombo painted yesterday’s New Yorker cover on his iPhone. Then snag the Brushes App and paint something half as nice.
This is fine as a fun, free little app. As a Gillette-branded app, however, I had higher hopes. I should be able to shave that shiz like Prince. Instead, I’m stickin’ and jabbin’ like some fencer. Or my childhood, drunk barber. In the end, my crappily-manicured beard was actually funnier than what I originally tried for: lightening bolt ‘stache. Will just have to grow the real deal.